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PHP extensions not found via httpd but are found from CLI, with the same php.ini

I wanted to use some extensions of PHP 7.1 after installing it and Apache 2.4 and on my Windows 7. I wrote a small test script index.php to call some functions of the given extensions.


and uncommented the appropriate lines from the php.ini , like

;extension=php_exif.dll      ; Must be after mbstring as it depends on it
;extension=php_oci8_12c.dll  ; Use with Oracle Database 12c Instant Client

and configured the extension_dir according to the windows-specific part of the php.ini

; Directory in which the loadable extensions (modules) reside.
; http://php.net/extension-dir
; extension_dir = "./"
; On windows:
; extension_dir = "ext"

extension_dir = "ext" 

I restarted the Apache web server and fetched the http://localhost/index.php . I got the error messages:

Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mb_strlen() in C:\Program Files\Apache24\htdocs...

which means the extension was not loaded.

I doublechecked that the php.ini I made the modifications in is the same as the phpinfo() displayed in the browser:

Loaded Configuration File    C:\Program Files\php\php.ini 

On the contrary, if I started the same index.php not via web server but from the command line then I got different output:

C:\Program Files\Apache24\htdocs>"C:\Program Files\php\php.exe" index.php

which means the extensions were loaded properly.

The command line PHP uses the same php.ini :

c:\Program Files\Apache24\htdocs>php -i|find "Loaded Configuration File"
Loaded Configuration File => C:\Program Files\php\php.ini

How can it be that the same php.ini file loads the extensions from command line but does not load them when used via the web server?

Contrary to the description in the php.ini, the extension_dir should be specified with a full path, not just a relative one. Changing the line in php.ini from

extension_dir = "ext"


extension_dir = "C:/Progra~1/php/ext"

and restarting the web server solved the problem.

NB: I used the DOS-8.3 path instead of "C:/Program Files/php/ext" because according to the php-7.1.11-Win32-VC14-x64.zip\install.txt manual, it does not like paths containing spaces:

You may choose a different location but do not have spaces in the path (like C:\Program Files\PHP) as some web servers will crash if you do.

The path I referred to doesn't contain any spaces so I don't think I did anything wrong. Despite this, I am not sure how it would work if I had installed php to the default directory c:\php but it seems that defining the full path is a more secure way.

Check which modules is Apache using:

  • go to your apache config. IE: cd /etc/apache2/mods-enabled
  • list enables modules ls -lsai php* (in my case, prev version was enabled)
  • remove previous modules (IMC: rm php* )
  • enable needed module. IMC:
    • sudo ln -s ../mods-available/php7.4.load
    • sudo ln -s ../mods-available/php7.4.conf
  • reload apache (IMC: sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart )
  • use print/dump phpinfo(); to check which php module Apache is runnig

Command in example will work on Linux/Unix machines. Not on windows I'm afraid

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