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asp.net core 2 optional attribute routing parameter with + in it results in 404


It seems I was not paying enough attention to the actual error which was a 404.11 which means it was not allowing allowDoubleEscaping so I had to add a web.config to my project and set it to following

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <requestFiltering allowDoubleEscaping="true" />

I have the following attribute route

public IActionResult Symbol(string symbol, string name)

If I navigate to /home/coin/mysymbol then it works, if I have /home/coin/mysymbol/myname this also works, however if I have /home/coin/mysymbol/myname+moreofname then it results in 404 Not Found , the name parameter that is being passed is URL-encoded so any spaces get changed to +

UPDATE Rest of the controller (code stripped out)

public class HomeController : BaseController

    private readonly IViewRenderService _viewRenderService;

    public HomeController(CryptoDateContext context, IConfiguration configuration,
        IViewRenderService viewRenderService, IOptions<GeneralSettings> generalSettings, ILogger<BaseController> logger)
        : base(context, configuration, generalSettings, logger)
        logger.LogDebug("Base controller ctor called");
        _viewRenderService = viewRenderService;


    public IActionResult Sitemap()


    public async Task<IActionResult> SymbolSitemap()


    [ResponseCache(Location = ResponseCacheLocation.None, NoStore = true)]
    public IActionResult GetSearchResults(SearchCriteria criteria)

    public IActionResult Index()


    public IActionResult AddEvent(SubmitEventModel model)


    public IActionResult SubmitEvent(int? id)


    public IActionResult DownloadICS(int id)

    public IActionResult SubmitContactus(ContactUsModel model)


    public IActionResult Contribute()

        return View();
    public IActionResult Telegram()

        return View();
    public IActionResult Event(int id, string title = null)

    public IActionResult Symbol(string symbol, string name = null)


    public IActionResult Contact()


    public IActionResult Error()
        return View(new ErrorViewModel { RequestId = Activity.Current?.Id ?? HttpContext.TraceIdentifier });
    public IActionResult Exception()
        throw new Exception("Testing");

What if you simply replace + and other special characters? Using a function like:

public string ClearnUrl(string title)
            string cleanTitle = title.ToLower().Replace(" ", "-");
            //Removes invalid character like .,-_ etc
            cleanTitle = Regex.Replace(cleanTitle, @"[^a-zA-Z0-9\/_|+ -]", "");
            cleanTitle = cleanTitle.Replace("/", "");
            return cleanTitle;

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