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JS click function open url in new windown

I create a link with text using html and i want to create when user click it goes to specific url. I new in javascript!!

here my code

<a class="dt-button add_new_table_entry DTTT_button DTTT_button_new" tabindex="0" aria-controls="table_1" href="#">
<span>Add new</span>

my script

$("dt-button add_new_table_entry DTTT_button DTTT_button_new").click(function () {

UPDATE I have create my script

 let classic = document.getElementsByClassName('add_new DTTT_button DTTT_button_new');
for (var i=0; i < classic.length; i++) {
classic[i].addEventListener("click", clickfunc, false);

but give error unexpected token ;


window.open(url, windowName, "height=200,width=200");

You do not have any class named add_new . Using single unique class in getElementsByClassName parameter is enough. Try the following:

let classic = document.getElementsByClassName('dt-button');
for (var i=0; i < classic.length; i++) {
  classic[i].addEventListener("click", clickfunc, false);
function clickfunc(){

use follwing code

$("dt-button add_new_table_entry DTTT_button 
DTTT_button_new").click(function () {

create a function :

function openlink()

then you call the function using this :

<a href="javascript:openlink();">Link Text</a>

Try it , it will work, here on click of class = add_new_table_entry, javascript click event gets called and in same window redirection happens we use window.location for redirection
Add new

$(".add_new_table_entry").click(function () {
        window.location ="http://project.co/add-new/";

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