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passing props with Link in React-Router

Hello i'm trying to pass Props to a Details Component with the Link Component from React Router. I don't want to display the Detail Component on the page, it should render when a button is clicked but also the url should look like this '/details/KvhNJecsqr6JFMSRTS' when the new Component renders.

 class  Card extends Component {
                   <Col xs={12} md={4}>
                    <Thumbnail src="./someiamge">
                        <Button bsStyle="primary">Mieten</Button>&nbsp;
                        <Button bsStyle="default"><Link to='/details' params={{cardId: this.props.cardId}} 'here i wanna pass some props how i do this ?' >Details</Link></Button>


export default Card

Here is my Router stuff

              <Route name='details' path='/details/:cardId' component={Details}/>

hier is my Details Component:

    class Details extends Component {
      render() {
        return (
          <div >
            <div style={{textAlign: "left"}}>

    export default Details;

If want your new route to be like /details/:cardId, then I guess this should be enough:

<Link to={`/details/${this.props.cardId}`} />

But, if you want to add some extra properties, then according to documentation , you could pass them in the location.state :

<Link to={{
  pathname: `/details/${this.props.cardId}`,
  state: { 
    cardHeading: 'This is a heading',
    cardDesc: 'Description'

Then, in order to access this state in your component, you can use the this.props.location.state or this.props.history.location.state

In your link code it should be this, I believe:

<Link to={{ pathname: '/details', query: { cardId: this.props.cardId } }}/>

The Route would be the same as you currently have it.

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