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global variable in nodejs

I try every possible solution that is available in SO. like using global or using bind but can not access the global variable. here is my code i am trying to generate sitemap in nodejs here is my .js file.

    module.exports = function (portal) {
    var mongoose = require('mongoose');
    var News = mongoose.model('News');
    var urls ="";
    var gensitemap =  function(){
    urls = "abc";

    console.log(urls);// print abc as expected
    News.find().exec(function (err, news) {
      news.forEach(function (t) {
        urls += "<url><loc>"+cdn_url+"/news"+t.slug+"</loc>"+"</url>";
    console.log(urls);// print still abc as not  expected it should be change
    var allUsers = portal.setupContext({});
    app.get('/gensitemap',allUsers ,gensitemap);

here you can see i use url variable befor and after News.find() method.but instead of change the url its is printing same output.

Any idea i already try global or async.parallel({}) but same issue in News.find() node js treat that variable as different.

Any help ?


After reading the comments and some of the mention question i try this

    Events.find().exec(function (err1, events) {
            events.forEach(function (t1) {
                url += "<url><loc>"+cdn_url+"/event"+t1.slug+"</loc>"+changefreq+priority+"</url>";
            News.find().exec(function (err2, news) {
                    news.forEach(function (t2) {
                        url += "<url><loc>"+cdn_url+"/news"+t2.slug+"</loc>"+changefreq+priority+"</url>";
                    var static_urls = ['about-us','categories','overview','media','contact-us','login','register','pages/en/faq'];
                            for(var i = 0 ;i < static_urls.length;i++){
                                url += "<url><loc>"+""+static_urls[i]+"</loc>"+"<changefreq>weekly</changefreq>"+"<priority>1</priority>"+"</url>";

//this url(variable) print only the changes i made in above for loop.. :-(

I also notice after waiting some time i am able to see the change but they are not in same order.

    module.exports = function (portal) {
    var mongoose = require('mongoose');
    var News = mongoose.model('News');
    var urls ="";
    var gensitemap =  function(){
    urls = "abc";

    console.log(urls);// print abc as expected
    News.find().exec(function (err, news) {//this block of code gets executed after the News.find().exec() function return . Anything you want to do after the exec function call get a response you have to do it here. inside this call back function.

      news.forEach(function (t) {
        urls += "<url><loc>"+cdn_url+"/news"+t.slug+"</loc>"+"</url>";
      //if you log the url here you should find ur desired value
    //This is getting called before your News.find().exec() function returns any value.
    console.log(urls);// print still abc as not  expected it should be change
    var allUsers = portal.setupContext({});
    app.get('/gensitemap',allUsers ,gensitemap);

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