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How to install phpMyadmin on Centos 6.8 with php 5.5

I have several headaches on installing phpMyAdmin on Centos 6.8 I have php 5.5 installed from webtatic repo. Mysql 5.6 installed as well. When I install phpMyAdmin by

# rpm -Uvh http://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/6/x86_64/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm
# rpm -Uvh http://rpms.famillecollet.com/enterprise/remi-release-6.rpm
# yum --enablerepo=remi,remi-test install phpMyAdmin

I got these errors:



In fact, I had another trial before, I had php 5.4 installed from Remi repo and facing similar problem when installing phpmyadmin, see another post

I am relatively new to Linux server stuff. I have several questions and hopefully someone could help me out.

  1. At this point, what the yum has done? it leave me big hole which I don't know how to proceed from here. it seems yum has removed some my php5.5 modules without getting replacement installed. those php module being removed are needed by my Magento site. And I don't know if phpmyadmin has been installed or not.
  2. I don't know what/who cause the problem, or is it because my php was installed from webtatic repo, so I can NOT use Remi repo to install any package that related to php such as phpmyadmin? if so, why yum has no process to prevent the problem? if it is not, why yum or Remi repo leave such situation to user like this is not their business? Anyway, in my another try, both php5.4 and phpmyadmin are installed from Remi repo...
  3. From phpMyAdmin web, I know that its 4.7 version can work with php 5.5 or later + Mysql 5.5 or later. However, I find only version 4.0 available for Centos 6 in Remi repo by command: yum list phpMy* My current installation is php 5.5.38 + Mysql 5.6. Can I install phpmyadmin 4.7 and how (under Centos 6.8)? I proceeded with installation even I found only 4.0 available as I attempted to upgrade to 4.7 after installation.

First of all, How can I save my installation (including php and mysql) and get phpmyadmin (better to be 4.7) installed properly from here. so I don't have to rebuild the system....Honestly, even rebuild the system again, I still have no idea about the right way to get right phpmyadmin installed without error.

Note: I have to stick with php either 5.4 or 5.5 as my Magento site is 1.8

Any help and explanation will be greatly appreciated. thank you in advance.

Supplement: Ok, by googling, the 3rd question seems found its answer from here . It seems I was installing phpMyAdmin 4.7....But why the error since php 5.5 is officially supported by phpMyAdmin 4.7? is the webtatic repo or the Remi repo too bad? leaving such dependency hole... How to address such issue from here?

Do you tried this?

sudo yum install epel-release
sudo yum install phpmyadmin

( https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-and-secure-phpmyadmin-on-a-centos-6-4-vps )

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