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Get/add Document in Cloud functions using Firestore

I'm struggling a bit with the integration of an automated workflow when a user purchases a product and pays by stripe. I'm using Firestore and Cloud Functions.


  1. User purchases Product via Stripe Checkout.js
  2. Payment is stored in 'payments' collection

     { product:<uid of the product> '...', user:<uid of the user> '..', method: 'stripe', token:< Stripe token> {..} } 
  3. Triggers Cloud function (onWrite for payment collection)

  4. TODO: Get product DocRef from 'products' (retrieve the product's price)
  5. TODO: Add Document to 'purchases' collection inside a document of the collection 'users'

  6. Charge payment

I've implemented this workflow, except for step 4 and 5, because I have no idea how to retrieve and add DocRef from Firestore within Cloud Functions (there are a lot of examples provided by the Firebase Docs on how it works with RT Database)


exports.stripeCharge = functions.firestore
  .onWrite(event => {
    const paymentId = event.params.payment;
    const payment = event.data.data();
    if (!payment || payment.method !== 'stripe' || payment.charge) return;
    // 4. Get Product's Price
    firestore.collection('products').doc(payment.product).then(product => {
      const idempotency_key = paymentId;
      const charge = {
        amount: product.price,
        currency: 'chf',
        source: payment.token.id
      stripe.charges.create(charge, {idempotency_key}).then(charge => {
        // 5. Update User Purchases
          product: payment.product,
          payment: paymentId,
          date: new Date()
        // Updated Charge

Admin SDK I suppose that I have to use Admin SDK to achieve this, but I have no idea on how this is supposed to work with Firestore

Accessing Firestore from the Admin SDK is pretty similar to accessing any other Firebase product from the Admin SDK: eg admin.firestore()... See https://firebase.google.com/docs/reference/admin/node/admin.firestore .

You're missing a get() call when you're trying to access the document:

firestore.collection('products').doc(payment.product).get().then(product => {
    if (!product.exists) {
        console.log('No such product!');
    } else {
        console.log('Document data:', product.data());

If you haven't used Firestore from JavaScript before, Cloud Functions is not the easiest way to get started with it. I recommend reading the docs for JavaScript/web users , and taking the Firestore codelab for web developers .

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