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Change value of <p> in PartialView

I have PartialView with <p>

Here is code

  <p id="findings-date" class="blue-text">Test</p>

I load partialView into div via this js code

    function () {
        var findingval = $(this).text();
        var idvalue = $(this).siblings('.idvalue').text();
       $('#left-window').load('@Url.Action("Findings", "PatientDatabase")');


I need to change value of p to findingval

I tried

$('#findings-date').text(findingval); but it not works.

After this I tried just to get value like this $('#findings-date').text();

But it's null. Why so?

Seems it try to get data when partialView not appended.

Full code of script

    function () {
        var findingval = $(this).text();
        var idvalue = $(this).siblings('.idvalue').text();
       $('#left-window').load('@Url.Action("Findings", "PatientDatabase")');
       var date = $('#findings-date').text();

load() is asynchronous. Use the complete callback so the new html is loaded before you try to access it

$('#left-window').load('@Url.Action("Findings", "PatientDatabase")', function(){
  // new html exists now
  $('#findings-date').text(findingval );

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