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Angular 4 @Input() value is undefined in ngOnInit()


import ...
  template: `{{month?.id}} <app-month-date [month]="month"></app-month-date>`
export class MonthDetailComponent implements OnInit {
  month: Month;
  ngOnInit(): void {
      .switchMap((params: Params) => this.monthService.getMonth(+params["id"]))
      .subscribe(month => (this.month = month));


<p>month-date works! {{month?.id}}</p>


import { Component, OnInit, Input } from "@angular/core";
import { Month } from "app/attendance/month";

  selector: "app-month-date",
export class MonthDateComponent implements OnInit {
  @Input() month: Month;
  ngOnInit() {
    //undefined --- here

month?.id shows correctly in month-detail.component.html , but month is undefined with tag app-month-date in month-date.component.ts . Maybe not get the value on ngOnInit?

You can resolve this by ensuring the child component is not initialised before the month input value is sent to it by including an *ngIf in your parent template:

  template: `{{month?.id}} <app-month-date *ngIf="month" [month]="month"></app-month-date>`

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