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Apple Passes in Wallet don't update on push notifications

I've got a problem with the integration of Apple push notifications for Apple Wallet with my web service.

What works:

Then I update a pass on the server. When I try to send a push notification nothing happens.

I did some debug, APN Server ( https://api.push.apple.com:443 ) returns code 200 with an empty body and non-empty "apns-id" header. This looks OK ( https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/NetworkingInternet/Conceptual/RemoteNotificationsPG/CommunicatingwithAPNs.html ).

BUT! There are neither notifications nor an updated pass in Wallet on my iPhone.

When I do manual update, the pass updates and an update notification shows.

I cannot get what I did wrong...

PS I use https://github.com/mdigger/apns for making requests to the APNS.

When connecting to APNS for Wallet updates, you need to connect with the same Pass Type ID Certificate that was used to sign the pass.

See the section:

Your Server Sends a Push Notification When Something Changes

in the wallet documentation .

Your server sends the following pieces of information:

  • The pass type identifier (in the certificate)
  • The push token (in the communication to the Apple Push Notification service)

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