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Perform a Google/Bing Maps search from a utr

I'm working on project that simulates (for lack of better word) a GPS. The user is able to select a State, City and address eg 000 someadress.dr and I have it set up so that when the submit button is clicked all of these components are combined into a single string. I'm wondering if its possible to perform a map search on either platform through the address bar, if it is could possibly do something like this:

private void btnSubmitAddress_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {

    string stateSelected = this.cbState.Text; // Stores the selected State
    string citySelected = this.cbCity.Text; // Stores the selected City
    string addressSelected = this.cbPreDefAddress.Text; // Store the selected address

    string result = addressSelected + " " + citySelected + " " + stateSelected; // Creates a single address string.

    wbSatNavBrowser.Navigate("https://www.bing.com/maps/search?" + result);

The Bing Maps website is a consumer product and shouldn't be loaded inside of business applications. Instead, consider using the Bing Maps developer API's. The Bing Maps WPF control works inside of WinForms, here is a blog post on this: https://rbrundritt.wordpress.com/2012/01/05/using-bing-maps-in-winforms/

You can geocode locations using the REST services. Here is a great .NET library for using these services: https://github.com/Microsoft/BingMapsRESTToolkit

If you want the most mapping features, you can also host the Bing Maps web control inside of a web browser control. Here is a code sample: https://code.msdn.microsoft.com/Using-the-Bing-Maps-V8-Web-07e21f3a?redir=0

The docs show some examples of how to pass parameters.

This example sets the centerpoint of the map.


To open Bing Maps to a specific address:


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