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How to check if url is the homepage

Found this answer If url is the homepage (/ or index.php) do this which was really helpful however doesn't fully answer my question.

I have an index of site for school that shows all my folders to different assignments. so my homepage is actually domain/folder/index.html

so when I ask if $currentpage == /midterm/index.php || /midterm/ it always triggers as true even if I am on /midterm/add.php

$homeurl = '/midterm/index.php';
$homepage = '/midterm';
$currentpage = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];

if ($currentpage == $homeurl || $homepage) {
    echo '<div class="hero"></div>';

Your problem is in your conditional: if ($currentpage == $homeurl || $homepage) will always return true because you are stating that $currentpage must equal $homeurl , OR just simply $homepage . Adding brackets helps showcase this:

if ( ($currentpage == $homeurl) || ($homepage) )

Because $homepage is set, it's truthy , and evaluates to true . Because only one part of the conditional needs to be true due to your OR ( || ), the condition returns true as a whole.

To resolve this, you're looking to check whether $currentpage is equal to $homeurl OR $currentpage is equal to $homepage :

if ($currentpage == $homeurl || $currentpage == $homepage)

Which, with added brackets, evaluates to:

if ( ($currentpage == $homeurl ) || ($currentpage == $homepage) )

Hope this helps! :)

It's because your if statement is checking to see if $homepage is set, not if $homepage is equal to $currentpage .

if ($currentpage == $homeurl || $currentpage == $homepage) {
    echo '<div class="hero"></div>';

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