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Angular 4 - Passing string between components

I am working on a movie database, I am using the MovieDb api. I currently have 20 random generated movies without an user input, so I know the api is working.

I have my HTML with an input to take in the movie name and a button to activate the method:

<button id="searchBarButton" (click)="sendRequest(MovieTitle)">Search</button>
<input id="MovieTitle" class= "searchBar" type="text" #MovieTitle>

The in my .ts for the search component.I am setting up the subscription to my service which will allow me to use the API and search through it:

// Need to route the shit outta this
this._iMDBService.searchMDBMovie(this.MovieTitle).subscribe( shows => {

As you can see I am trying to send the movie title taken in from the user on the HTML and send it to the service below with the .ts file

    export class iMDBService {
    private _iMDBURL: string = 'https://api.themoviedb.org/3/';

    constructor(private _http: HttpClient) { }

    searchMDBMovie(MovieTitle) : Observable<any>{
        return this._http.get<any>(this._iMDBURL + 'search/movie?api_key=MyWorkingApiKey&language=en-US&query=' + MovieTitle + '&page=1&include_adult=false')
        .do(data => console.log('All: ' + JSON.stringify(data)))

    private handleError(err: HttpErrorResponse) {
        return Observable.throw(err.message);

My question: The api is working however I need the movie title in between the api request, the HTML and .ts is not sending to the service.ts, how do I bring the titlename to the service.ts file?

the template variable


refers to the input element itself, not the value of it. To get the value you need to:

<button id= "searchBarButton" (click)= "sendRequest(MovieTitle.value)">Search</button>

and also use that value in your component method rather than trying to redundantly access the tempalte variable again.

simple console logging / debugging will clear these issues up much quicker.

Well, I guest this little corrections would make it work:

  id= "searchBarButton" 
  #MovieTitle />

sendRequest(value) {
  this._iMDBService.searchMDBMovie(value).subscribe( shows => {

An suggestion to make it better for user interaction:

  id= "searchBarButton" 
  (keyup.enter)="sendRequest(MovieTitle.value)" />

The (keyup.enter) will call the sendRequest method when the user hits the Enter key when the input is focused.

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