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Oracle Apex.Stop a page unload(when clicked on a navigable link) if there are any unsaved changes

I'm currently using oracle apex. I created a wizard progress list for my page with the labels in the list as navigable links. But when the user clicks on these links to navigate to another page i need to ask the user if he's sure as there are unsaved changes, probably using apex.message.confirm() . I made it navigable by using href="my_link" in the list entry label while creating list in shared components. I know if i add onClick="my_function();" i can direct add functionality to that link.But where to add this javascript function at the application level? How do i do that? any ideas?

Note : I cant use warn on unsaved changes option at the page level. Because iam submitting the values in my page to the db through dynamic action(pl/sql code). So even after clicking on save and inserting data into DB, when i try to navigate to other page it will show warning on unsaved changes. I cant use submit page on click of save button as it is refreshing the whole page and it is not desired.

Page properties -> Navigation -> Warn on Unsaved Changes set to Yes . After that it will work automatically. Works in APEX 5.

To cancel checks of unsaved changes, use JavaScript function apex.page.cancelWarnOnUnsavedChanges(); . For example, if you save data with the DynamicAction, add additional true action with type Execute JavaScript Code and call it there.

By using onClick ="my_function();" in the name provided while filling in the list entry label in the shared components for list , you can define what needs to be done when clicked on the link. "my_function" can then be declared at the page level in the function and global variable declaration section. For example:

<a href="#" onClick="my_function('28');">&F300_LABEL_TEXT.</a>

will be the list entry label at the shared components! and in the function and global variable declaration section at the page level.

    function my_function(page){
        if (apex.page.isChanged() == true)
          {apex.message.alert("there  are unsaved changes"); 

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