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Azure IoT Edge setup completes successfully but does not start the edgeAgent docker image

I'm trying to install the Azure IoT Edge runtime on a Windows 10 machine. I've followed the instructions here up to and including the step for calling iotedgectl start . When I execute the next step and run docker ps to verify that the edgeAgent container is running, I get an empty list. Has any body encountered anything like this before where the runtime says it successfully starts but nothing's running in docker ? I've confirmed in the IoT Hub that nothing has successfully connected for my IoT Device.

** EDIT ** : After reading some of the comments, I've found the docker logs. (Unfortunately starting with verbose logging didn't seem to help as the container appears to start normally, but it's helpful to know, so thank you @RomanKiss) The container appears to start successfully, but fails to connect to the IoT Hub via AMQP and shuts down:

2017-12-05 22:47:10 [INF] - Edge agent attempting to connect to IoT Hub via AMQP... 2017-12-05 22:47:11 [INF] - Edge agent attempting to connect to IoT Hub via AMQP over WebSocket...

I've verified that the connection string is correct. I'm waiting to hear back from our Operations department about investigating traffic on AMQP port 5671. The Docker container is currently running with Linux containers.

Output of docker ps -a :

C:\\Users\\myuser\\Downloads>docker ps --all CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 26c1d3363ba0 microsoft/azureiotedge-agent:1.0-preview "/usr/bin/dotnet M..." 8 seconds ago Exited (1) 3 seconds ago edgeAgent

Talking to your ops department is the best first step. We have seen similar behavior when the AMQP port (5671) is blocked. The one difference between your situation and the instances we've seen this happen is that the Edge agent will exit after about a minute instead of a few seconds.

The IoT Edge runtime (Edge Agent and Edge Hub) should fall back to AMQP over websockets if port 5671 is blocked. There is a bug preventing this at the moment and that will be fixed shortly.

In the meantime, please post the logs from the Edge Agent and we can take a look to determine if you're running into 5671 being blocked or a different issue. You can access the logs by running the command "docker logs edgeAgent".

::UPDATE:: This is one of the bugs fixed in the December update for Azure IoT Edge

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