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rails partial rendering html does not run javascript

Hi I am calling a partial from controller file but the javascript inside the partial is not executing . The partial is of .html.erb format.

<% content_for :javascript do %>

  <script type="text/javascript">
    var eventName = typeof(Turbolinks) !== 'undefined' ? 'page:change' : 'DOMContentLoaded';

    document.addEventListener(eventName, function() {

      <% if flash[:notice] %>
        ShopifyApp.flashNotice("<%= escape_javascript flash[:notice].html_safe %>");
      <% end %>

      <% if flash[:error] %>
        ShopifyApp.flashError("<%= escape_javascript flash[:error].html_safe %>");
      <% end %>
<% end %>

is the code for partial

 respond_to do |format| 
    if @timer.save

      format.html{render :partial => "layouts/flash_messages", :locals => {:flash => flash}}

      format.html{render :partial => "layouts/flash_messages", :locals => {:flash => flash}}

is the controller code .

If you want to render Javascript in rails use below method.

Controller Code looks like:

def create
  @user = User.find(params[:id])
  respond_to do |format|
    format.html {redirect_to @user }

template this code going to render will look like.

filename: create.js.erb

 $("#someidname").html("<%= @user.email %>");

Note @user is also available here. you can render other partial also like:

$("#someit").html("<%= escape_javascript(render('users/email')) %>");

Also, make sure you are sending ajax request.

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