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VBA to exort chart from excel tab to specific folder and name file based on a name in a cell on a different worksheet

I have a macro that exports a chart as an image to a specific folder, but it gives a fixed name. How can I change the macro to name the file after cell Y3 in a sheet named "Data"?

I tried this: Filename = "C:\\Report\\" & Sheets("Data").Range("Y3") & ".jpg", FilterName:="JPG" and it did not work.

Sub ExportGraphImage()

Worksheets("CIS Graph").ChartObjects(1) _
.Chart.Export _

End Sub

I expected that it would help to qualify the cell definition with its Value property? The following worked for me (as did the original command). Of course, I also would use Worksheets() instead of Sheets() , but I'm funny that way.

Filename = "C:\Report\" & Sheets("Data").Range("Y3").Value & ".jpg", FilterName:="JPG"

But as it turns out, it worked for me without .Value , so maybe there is a problem with what's in the cell, or the name of the sheet (like if it's really "Data ").

And by the way, PNG is generally a better format to use for graphics like an Excel chart.

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