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Django Custom Template Tags In Google App Engine

I am trying to include the following Tag In Google App Engine Web Application:


Is there any configuration of this file to make it work with Google App Engine?

Cause I followed the Django Template tutorials: http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/howto/custom-template-tags/

and have this structure:


in the Template file, I have {%load range_template%}

But I am getting the error:

TemplateSyntaxError: 'range_template' is not a valid tag library: Could not load template library from django.templatetags.range_template, No module named range_template

The other thing that might be a problem why this ain't working is, the INSTALL_APPS settings.py file. Not sure how to configure it.

I have a settings.py file in the root of my application and included this:

INSTALLED_APPS = ('templatetags')

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

如果有人搜索这个,我在2008年写了一篇关于此的小文章: http//daily.profeth.de/2008/04/using-custom-django-template-helpers.html

try doing the following:

$ python ./manage.py startapp foo

Add foo to installed apps:

INSTALLED_APPS += ('foo',)

And move your templatetags directory into your foo app. Something like:


Django convention is that template tag code resides in apps, in directories named templatetags ( see docs ). I assume the same would be true for GAE.


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