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How to activate SOAP on php5.6

When I check service soap status in Ubuntu, it says:

root@ip-172-30-0-181:/var/www# service soap status
Loaded: not-found (Reason: No such file or directory)
Active: inactive (dead)

run thecommands :

Install soap php module :

sudo apt-get install php5.6-soap

info de soap :

php -i | grep -i soap

apt-cache search php | grep -i soap

enbale soap in php.ini :

cd /etc/php/5.6/apache2

sudo nano php.ini 

you see this :


change for this :


and save an restar apache service

sudo service apache2 restart

and see your info.php and you can see soap enable

and see this in your browser

You mean SOAP module,

  1. Go to your server php folder installation

  2. Look extension=php_soap.dll in php.ini and remove the semicolon(;)

  3. Restart your Server

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