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Animate.css without jQuery?

I am trying to make animation on page scrolling.

I use the Animate.css library.

The documentation only shows how to use it with jQuery, but I'm currently learning how to use Vanilla Javascript. I was trying to use window.pageYOffset but that only works when the browser reaches the container and not when it is revealed by the scroll.

Here's an example how you can animate without jQuery. Investigate the MDN doc page window.onscroll for the scroll event.

const $item = document.querySelector('.starred-item');
$item && ($item.classList.add('animated', 'bounce'));

Another example of vanilla JS animation without jQuery (or any other libraries).

 var v = 0; var delta = 1; function verticalMove() { redBox = document.getElementById('verticalDiv') v += delta; redBox.style.top = v + "px"; if (v <= 0) delta = 1; if (v >= 50) delta = -1; } function startMove(event) { setInterval(verticalMove, 30); event.target.onclick=""; } 
 .verticalDiv { position: absolute; top: 0px; right: 500px; width: 100px; height: 100px; background: red; } 
 <div class="verticalDiv" id="verticalDiv" onclick="startMove(event)"></div> 

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