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$set and $push for multiple documents in the same mongodb update

I struggling to get multiple documents of the same collection updated that need to have fields added to the JSON "root", as well as a new object to an existent array called logs .

I'm trying this

                          $gte: new Date(2017, 11),
                          $lt: new Date(2017, 12) 
      "status": {$nin : ["Captured"]  
      {$set: {"status": "BillingSuspended",  
      {$push : 
        {logs : {"replacedStatus" : "Captured" ,
                 date: new Date ('2017-12-13T22:00:00.000Z') 

I'm getting this error bellow and I tried taking out the multi:true but then I loose the multi property that allows me to update many documents at the same time. I wanted a query that runs on Robomongo. I'd appreciate guys if you can help me.


[Failed to execute script.

Error: Fourth argument must be empty when specifying upsert and multi with an object. :


You have to try like this

            'supports.dest': ObjectId("xyz"),
            'date': {
                '$gte': new Date(2017, 11),
                '$lt': new Date(2017, 12)
            "status": {
                $nin: ["Captured"]
            $set: {
                "status": "BillingSuspended",
                "replacedStatus": "Captured"
            $push: {
                logs: {
                    "replacedStatus": "Captured",
                    date: new Date('2017-12-13T22:00:00.000Z')

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