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Excel VBA - Unable to find error causing 'runtime error 91'

I have the below code which is causing a

runtime error 91 - Object Variable not set

I have dim'd each workbook, worksheet, and variable, but it does not remove the error.

    Dim r As Long, c As Long
    Dim snowq As Workbook, CAQual As Workbook, qsum As Worksheet, CAqsum As Worksheet
    For r = 2 To 8
        For c = 2 To 4
            combinedReports.Worksheets("combinedQualities").Cells(r, c).Value = _
                snowq.Worksheets("qsum").Cells(r, c).Value + CAQual.Worksheets("CAqsum").Cells(r, c).Value

NOTE that the first workbook and worksheet are dim'd further up in the code but within the same module.

Any assistance is appreciated.


This is the top of the module which includes setting the actual workbook and worksheet(s):

'Create new workbook
Dim combinedReports As Workbook, combinedCsats As Worksheet, combinedQualities As Worksheet, combinedTickets As Worksheet
Set combinedReports = Workbooks.Add
Sheets("Sheet1").name = "Combined CSAT's"
Set combinedCsats = combinedReports.Sheets("Combined CSAT's")
Sheets.Add After:=ActiveSheet
Sheets("Sheet2").name = "Combined Qualities"
Set combinedQualities = combinedReports.Sheets("Combined Qualities")
Sheets.Add After:=ActiveSheet
Sheets("Sheet3").name = "Combined Tickets"
Set combinedTickets = combinedReports.Sheets("Combined Tickets")

Insert this code before the For r = 2 to 8 loop the code will stop on the faulty object.

Debug.Print combinedReports.Name
Debug.Print combinedReports.Worksheets("combinedQualities").Name
Debug.Print snowq.Name
Debug.Print snowq.Worksheets("qsum").Name
Debug.Print CAQual.Name
Debug.Print CAQual.Worksheets("CAqsum").Name

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