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Ionic is possible to use LoadingController from external?

In my page I implemented the ionic LoadingController. To show loading dialog I make a method:

  public presentLoading(text: string, timeout: number) {
    if (!this.loading) {
      this.loading = this.loadingCtrl.create({
        content: text,
        dismissOnPageChange: true
      setTimeout(() => {
      }, timeout);

Now it is good, but I also want loading dialog in other pages, but I don`t want to duplicate the code and write again in other pages. I think making a static method which look like this:

public static presentLoading(loading: Loading, loadingCtrl: LoadingController, text: string, timeout: number) 

is ugly. Or the other way:

public loading: Loading

constructor(public loadingCtrl: LoadingController) { }

public presentLoading(text: string, timeout: number) { ... }

Is any other way to create MyLoadingController and instatiate it somehow and inject it in my page?

  • Create a new service called MyLoadingController
  • Inject loading controller into it constructor(private loadingCtrl: LoadingController) { }
  • Add your method in there
  • Inject new servive where you want to use

Finally I do it. I created CommonLoadingController which extends LoadingController and I added my methods there, and I add it to app.module.ts as a provider. Now I can use it anywhere in constructor.

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