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C# Xamarin Cross Platform

My first question here.

Here is the deal:

I'm trying to settle a Listview that would bring me all the names of some businesses registered in one event.

The codes are bellow:

First I creatted a Model

public class BusinessReg
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public String BusinessName { get; set; }
    public String BusinessFantasyName { get; set; }
    public String BusinessArea { get; set; }
    public String BusinessSpecificArea { get; set; }
    public String Country { get; set; }
    public String State { get; set; }
    public String City { get; set; }
    public String Adress { get; set; }
    public String Neighbourhood { get; set; }
    public String Number { get; set; }
    public String Complement { get; set; }
    public Double Latitude { get; set; }
    public Double Longitude { get; set; }
    public String DateOfReg { get; set; }
    public String DateOfMod { get; set; }
    public String BusinessStatus { get; set; }
    public String RegisteredBy { get; set; }

Than I creatted another Class called Services

public class BusinessRegServices
    public List<BusinessReg> GetBusinessReg()

        var list = new List<BusinessReg>
            new BusinessReg
                BusinessName = "Casadafarofa",
                BusinessFantasyName = "casa da farofa2",
                BusinessArea ="restaurante",
                BusinessSpecificArea = "Casas de Farofaria",
                Country ="brazil",
                State = "RS",
                City = "Rio Grande",
                Adress = "avenida Rio Grande",
                Neighbourhood = "Cassino",
                Number= "1420",
                Complement ="",
                Latitude = 23,
                Longitude = 25,
                DateOfReg ="23/09/1984",
                DateOfMod ="27/12/1986",
                BusinessStatus ="Ativo",
                RegisteredBy = "Zé das couves"

            new BusinessReg
                BusinessName = "Casadafarofa3",
                BusinessFantasyName = "casa da farofa4",
                BusinessArea ="restaurante2",
                BusinessSpecificArea = "Casas de Farofaria2",
                Country ="brazil2",
                State = "RS2",
                City = "Rio Grande2",
                Adress = "avenida Rio Grande2",
                Neighbourhood = "Cassino2",
                Number= "14202",
                Complement ="2",
                Latitude = 23.1,
                Longitude =25,
                DateOfReg ="23/09/1984",
                DateOfMod ="27/12/1986",
                BusinessStatus ="Ativo",
                RegisteredBy = "Zé das couves"
        return list;

And than I Created a View Class as bellow

public class BusinessRegView
    public List<BusinessReg> BusinessRegList { get; set; }

    public BusinessRegView()
        var businessRegServices = new BusinessRegServices();

        BusinessRegList = businessRegServices.GetBusinessReg();

On my Mainpage (C# only) I'm trying to list the two business names, but It comes blank page.

public class Config : ContentPage
    public Config ()

        BindingContext = new BusinessRegView();

        ListView Lista = new ListView
            ItemsSource = "{Binding BusinessName}"
             new ScrollView

                Orientation = ScrollOrientation.Vertical,
                VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.CenterAndExpand,
                HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.CenterAndExpand,

                Content = Lista,

Could anyone help me What I'm doing wrong?

Thanks for all.


The problem is

ItemsSource = "{Binding BusinessName}"

You can use the {Binding ...} notation in a XAML file but not in Code. Here you have to set the ItemsSource to your Collection like:

ItemsSource = businessRegServices.GetBusinessReg();

Or something like this...

You also need to define an item template, otherwise you will see only empty entries...

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