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How to use checkbox filter on smart table?

How to use checkbox filter on smart table?? here is my code,When user click the check box,it show firstName is'Sam' record only. Here is my code:

angular.module('smarttabledemo', ['smart-table']).run(function() {
.controller('smarttabledemo', function($scope) {
  $scope.data = [
    { firstName: 'Sam', lastName: 'Evans', phone: 'Not Provide', hometown: 'Anytown, ST' },
    { firstName: 'Saul', lastName: 'Evans', phone: '555-555-1234', hometown: 'Anytown, ST' },
    { firstName: 'Charlie', lastName: 'Anders', phone: '555-555-9876', hometown: 'Springfield, ST' },
    { firstName: 'Jessica', lastName: 'Cortez', phone: 'Not Provide', hometown: 'Springfield, ST' },
    { firstName: 'Amy', lastName: 'Wood', phone: '555-555-1348', hometown: 'Metroville, ST' },

<div class='container' ng-app='smarttabledemo' ng-controller='smarttabledemo'>
  <h3>Minimal Angular/Smart-Table Demo</h3>
  <table st-table='data' class='table'>
        <th colspan='999'>
          <input st-search class='form-control' type='search' placeholder='Search' ng-model='search' />
        <th st-sort='firstName'>First Name</th>
        <th st-sort='lastName'>Last Name</th>
        <th st-sort='phone'>Phone Number</th>
        <th st-sort='hometown'>Hometown</th>
      <tr st-select-row='row' ng-repeat='row in data'>

I try to use the following code for filter, but not success.

  Just Show Sam:  <input st-search="firstName" ng-model="a" type="checkbox" ng-true-value="'Sam'" ng-false-value="''" value="{{a}}"> 


You can pass filter option in ng-repeat like this ng-repeat='row in tableData | filter:a' ng-repeat='row in tableData | filter:a' and set value of checkbox "Sam" like this <input st-search="firstName" ng-model="a" type="checkbox" ng-true-value="'Sam'" ng-false-value="''" value="Sam"> your updated fiddle Link

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