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How to call function from Binding Command in xamarin forms

I am wondering how I can call a function from a command in xamarin forms. I am currently using https://github.com/robinmanuelthiel/swipecards to set up a stack of swipe-able cards. I am able to see that in the meta file there are two bindable properties to handle left and right swipes.

Snip from the Meta file:

public static BindableProperty SwipedRightCommandProperty;
public static BindableProperty SwipedLeftCommandProperty;

public Action<object> SwipedRight;
public Action<object> SwipedLeft;

public ICommand SwipedRightCommand { get; set; }
public ICommand SwipedLeftCommand { get; set; }

I am able to bind the ItemSource in my XAML content page but I can't seem to bind to the swipe left and swipe right commands.


            ItemsSource="{Binding MyList}"
            SwipedLeftCommand="{Binding SwipedLeft}"
            SwipedRightCommand="{Binding SwipedRight}"
            Grid.Column="0" Grid.ColumnSpan="3"

C# (in my view model)

public void SwipedLeft(object obj)
    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Something Happened");

public void SwipedRight(object obj)
    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Something Happened");

anyone know how to properly bind to the commands so my function is properly triggered?

Binding Command to classic Xamarin Button control looks like this:


<Button Command="{Binding SwipeLeftCommand}" CommandParameter="{Binding SwipeLeftCommandParam}" />


public ICommand SwipedRightCommand { get; } //getter is sufficient

public YourViewModel()
    //plain code (often comes with bad maintainability)
    SwipeLeftCommand = new Command(() => { /* code */ });

    //simple method attachment (with command parameter)
    SwipeLeftCommand = new Command((commandParameter) => SwipedLeft(commandParameter));

    //simple method + async/await call
    SwipeLeftCommand = new Command(async (commandParameter) => await SwipedLeft(commandParameter));

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