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Touches began not being called

I have a view and I want to change its background color every few seconds. When I call the function touches began won't be called but the background color changes every few seconds. If I remove the line to change the background color every few seconds, everything is okay, Here is my code. Any help to this issue is appreciated. Ive tried everything from creating a new view to calling it on that view to god knows what. Please help

var colors2 : [UIColor] = [.red,.orange,.yellow,.blue,.purple]
var colorCounter : Int = 0

override func viewDidLoad() {


  override func touchesBegan(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent?) {


func scheduleBackgroundColor()
    let schedul = Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 2.0, repeats: true, block: { (timer) in

        UIView.animate(withDuration: 2.0, animations: {
            self.view.layer.backgroundColor = self.colors[self.colorCounter % 6].cgColor
            if self.colorCounter > 3
                self.colorCounter = 0
                self.colorCounter += 1


You need to allow user interaction during animation.

    withDuration: 2.0,
    delay: 0.0,
    options: [.allowUserInteraction],
    animations: {
        //Your code

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