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Apache2 directive conflict with xampp through VirtualHost container

I have Apache installed in my Ubuntu then I've installed XAMPP and added my Laravel project in XAMPP htdocs directory.

When I type localhost in the browser URL, it redirects me to Apache's default page but if I typed , it redirects me to the XAMPP dashboard.

My problem is that I tried to make server alias to open my Laravel project from (localhost/cms/public => cms.dev) . When I type cms.dev in the URL, but it redirects me to the Apache default page as well but I want to open my Laravel project.

解决方案只是删除apache安装,因为分离的 apache 安装与Xampp apache 有一些冲突,试图阻止 apache 安装不起作用。

According to the documentation at http://laravel-recipes.com/recipes/25/creating-an-apache-virtualhost your virtual host should be similar to:

<VirtualHost *:80>
  ServerName cms.dev
  DocumentRoot "/home/user/projects/cms/public"
  <Directory "/home/user/projects/cms/public">
    AllowOverride all

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