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Google Analytics (gtag.js): Product List Name doesn't appear but other fields do

I'm implementing GA Enhanced E-commerce using the new gtag.js library. I want to send information about product impressions and product clicks, following the documentation here: https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/gtagjs/enhanced-ecommerce .

Everything works (I can see the data in GA), except for Product List Name .

The docs seem to be inconsistent in naming the property (sometimes it's called "list" and sometimes "list_name" ) and none of them worked for me.

Here's my (simplified) code:

 deals = [ { "id": "18", "name": "Some product", "list": "All Deals", // also tried "list_name" here "category": "Multiplatform", "list_position": "1", "price": "18,39", "currency": "EUR", "product_url": "https://www.amazon.com/someproduct", }, ... ] ... // on page load gtag('event', 'view_item_list', { "items": deals }); ... // on click gtag('event', 'select_content', { "content_type": "product", "items": [ deals[0] ] }); 

All the data successfully make their way to GA, but Product List Name shows (not set) , no matter what:


Thanks for any idea on how to fix/debug this!

there is an error/mistake/inconsistency in gtag documentation:

  • you should use list_name instead of list

it works as expected with list_name

!!! DO NOT USE gtag as it does not send list_name value with events such as select_content and view_item

in short, query parameter pal (Product Action List) for collect call via gtag is not included, when using gtag — this is a major error comparing to analytics.js implementation.

You can send 2 events, when adding to cart from any list:

gtag('event','view_item',deals); gtag('event','add_to_cart',deals);

name of list must be set in list_name.

deals = [{"id": "18","name": "Some product","list_name": "All Deals", ...}]

Then it works fine.

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