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Laravel 5.5 Override vendor class

I'm trying to override (not extend) a vendor class. So whenever the vendor class gets called (within the vendor code), I want it to call my custom class.

It looks like I need to alias the class in my App/Providers/AppServiceProvider

I've tried this:

$loader = \Illuminate\Foundation\AliasLoader::getInstance();
$loader->alias('Vendor\VendorName\Class', 'App\Vendor\MyCustomClass');

But this doesn't do anything.

I can get my class registered fine:


But this then fails as the constructor relys on other variables not available at that point. I literally just need the app to override any call to Vendor\\VendorName\\Class with App\\Vendor\\MyCustomClass

So the solution was create a new ServiceProvider

php artisan make:provider MyServiceProvider

Which extended the Vendor service provider (found within config/app.php). Within that ServiceProvider, add my alias within the overridden Register method

 $loader->alias('Vendor\VendorName\Class', 'App\Vendor\MyCustomClass');

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