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Nodemailer yahoo incorrect login

I want to send emails from my NodeJs app.

const nodemailer = require('nodemailer');

const senderMail = "myemail@yahoo.com";

const emailTransporter = nodemailer.createTransport({
  service: 'yahoo',
  auth: {
    user: senderMail,
    pass: 'mypassword'

function getMailReceivers(mailReceivers) { // convert the string array to one string
  var receivers = "";

  for (var i = 0; i < mailReceivers.length; i++) {
    receivers += mailReceivers[i];

    if (i < mailReceivers.length - 1)
      receivers += ", ";

  return receivers;

function getMailOptions(mailReceivers, subj, content) { // set the options and return them
  return {
    from: senderMail,
    to: getMailReceivers(mailReceivers),
    subject: subj,
    html: content

module.exports = {
  sendHtmlMail: function(mailReceivers, subject, html) { // send an email
    emailTransporter.sendMail(getMailOptions(mailReceivers, subject, html), function(error, info) {
      if (error) {
        throw error;
      } else {

So I use my correct login . I tested it multiple times. I still get this error message

Error: Invalid login: 535 5.7.0 (#MBR1212) Incorrect username or password.
    at SMTPConnection._formatError (...\nodemailer\lib\smtp-connection\index.js:591:19)
    at SMTPConnection._actionAUTHComplete (...\nodemailer\lib\smtp-connection\index.js:1320:34)
    at SMTPConnection._responseActions.push.str (...\nodemailer\lib\smtp-connection\index.js:356:26)
    at SMTPConnection._processResponse (...\nodemailer\lib\smtp-connection\index.js:747:20)
    at SMTPConnection._onData (...\nodemailer\lib\smtp-connection\index.js:543:14)
    at TLSSocket._socket.on.chunk (...\nodemailer\lib\smtp-connection\index.js:495:47)
    at emitOne (events.js:116:13)
    at TLSSocket.emit (events.js:211:7)
    at addChunk (_stream_readable.js:263:12)
    at readableAddChunk (_stream_readable.js:250:11)

There already is a question here but it got no answer yet

nodemailer and yahoo failing to send email

I call my mailer by using this code

mailer.sendHtmlMail(["email1", "email2", "email3"], "Test Email", "<p>Success!</p>");

I recently got my yahoo implementation to work so I thought I'd try to answer your question and share my implementation. You are missing a few fields from your emailTransporter object.

First, you're missing the field. 字段。 For yahoo, that field should be

Yahoo requires the to be 465 or 587. 465 worked for me. 为465或587。465对我有用。

You have the field correct. 字段正确。

Lastly, you need a field. 字段。 Set it to false .

I'm not sure how adding a for loop will effect this but you should try just sending to one email first to make sure it works.

If you'd like, you can add a debugger or logger options. I recommend the logger, it really helped me.

So I would change your emailTransporter object as such:

const senderMail = "myemail@yahoo.com";

const emailTransporter = nodemailer.createTransport({
            host: 'smtp.mail.yahoo.com',
            port: 465,
            secure: false,
            auth: {
               user: senderMail,
               pass: 'mypassword'
            debug: false,
            logger: true .  <---highly recommend this one here

Side Note 1: Be sure to change your security options to 'less secure apps' in your yahoo account.

Side note 2: While this worked, it took Yahoo almost to send one email! 时间发送一封电子邮件! Not great for development(or production really), I switched to Gmail. I hope this helps.

In yahoo it is not working But in gmail It's Working. For that u need to set up App Password. Follow these steps to create app password

  1. Go to your Google Account.
  2. Select Security.
  3. Under "Signing in to Google," select App Passwords. You may need to sign in. If you don't have this option, it might be because: 2-Step Verification is not set up for your account. 2-Step Verification is only set up for security keys. Your account is through work, school, or other organization. You turned on Advanced Protection.
  4. At the bottom, choose Select app and choose the app you using and then Select device and choose the device you're using and then Generate.
  5. Follow the instructions to enter the App Password. The App Password is the 16-character code in the yellow bar on your device.
  6. Tap Done.
  7. Then Use that app password in your code See Code Image Hope This will help

You MUST MUST MUST use APP PASSWORD, NOT personal password, otherwise it will not work.

Usually there is 'how to get app password' for the mail provider OR it is usually located in EMAIL PROGRAMS configuration.

eg for mail.ee you use your EMAIL and App Password is located under: Options -> Oulook, email programs (tab) -> Show Password (assuming you activated it)

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