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Unit Test case for Sorting in Jest

I am new to reactjs and jest. I am trying to write a test case that will pass the sort function written in container. I am not sure how to write it.

I am getting TypeError: Cannot read property 'sort' of undefined error when I try to run the test case.

Actual Array

let testArray=[{trackingId:'1',updated: '1512885243'},
                {trackingId:'1',updated: '1512485253'},
                {trackingId:'3',updated: '1512884233'},
                {trackingId:'2',updated: '1512885243'}];

Expected Array

let sortedArray = [{trackingId: '1', updated: '1512885243'},
                   {trackingId: '1', updated: '1512885253'},
                 {trackingId: '2', updated: '1512885243'},
                 {trackingId: '3', updated: '1512884233'}]

// I am thinking something like:
describe('Sorting', () => {
      it('Array should be sortedby trackingId', () => {
        testArray.sort((a,b) => {
          if (a.trackingId !== b.trackingId) {
            return a.trackingId - b.trackingId;
          return new Date(b.updated) - new Date(a.updated);


Sort function in my container class for which I am writing the unit test:

customerTrackingInfo = customerTrackingInfo.sort( (a,b) => {
        if (a.trackingId !== b.trackingId) {
          return a.trackingId - b.trackingId;
        return new Date(b.updated) - new Date(a.updated);

I like how elegant @Rafał Figura's answer is, but it has one one major flaw, which is that even though Array.prototype.sort() returns a sorted array, it sorts the original array in place , mutating it. This means that


will always pass since array.sort(sortingFunction) will update array to be the sorted value. The fix is simple, though. Just copy the array before sorting it:


I found good way to test if array is sorted properly.

Just use:


When sorting function is not set, default sorting order is ascending.

You can read more about sorting here

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