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Email goes to spam folder Gmail and outlook while having 10 in mail-tester

I put a lot of effort in perfectionizing my emails in Magento, in mail-tester i even have a 10. But stil the emails (also when i send a not transactional mail) go to spam in gmail and outlook.

Any idea why?

Email deliverability involves a lot of factors so more information is needed to help you. What are all the services you use to send email out other than Magento? Do you do email marketing? Do you get good engagement with your email marketing (opens. clicks) with low bounces? What's the nature of your business and the content you send in the Magento emails and other emails you send out (eg, marketing emails) even if through other services?

What precisely is in your Sender Policy Framework Record (SPF) record (please post exactly what's in your SPF record for sending domain)? Do you have DKIM implemented with services that send mail on your behalf? Have you implemented DMARC?

Do you send email from a dedicated or shared IP address(s)? Check hosts and IP address for blacklists at mxtoolbox and check your senderscore at senderscore.org.

Do you know if the problem is limited to Magento or do other emails sent from that domain go to spam as well? You may want to set up a test account or two with gmail and outlook.com as it will be handy to have some email addresses to send to that you've never sent to before for testing purposes.

Note: I tried to post this as a comment but it was too many characters.

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