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How do I create a moving average based on weekly dates, grouped by multiple columns in data.table?

I am reading in an extremely large dataset as a data.table for speed. The relevant columns are DATE (weekly data in year-month-day strings eg "2017-12-25"), V1 (Integer), V2 (String), V3 (Numeric). I would like to produce V4 which is the moving average of V3 , for the last 3 weeks ( DATE , DATE -7, and DATE -14) here is a naive attempt/solution, which is terribly inefficient:

dt <- fread("largefile.csv")

dt$DATE <- as.IDate(dt$DATE) //convert dates to date format

V1_list <- sort(unique(dt$V1))

V2_list <- sort(unique(dt$V2))

DATE_list <- sort(unique(dt$DATE))

for(i in 1:length(V1_list)){
for(j in 1:length(V2_list)){
for(k in 3:length(DATE_list){
dt[which(dt$V1 == V1_list[i] && dt$V2 == V2_list[j] && dt$DATE == DATE_list[k]),"V4"] 
<- mean(dt[which(dt$V1 == V1_list[i] && dt$V2 == V2_list[j] && dt$DATE %in% DATE_list[k-2:k]),"V3"])

I am avoiding using plyr partly due to computational constraints given the 50M rows I'm using. I have investigated options with setkey() and zoo / rolling functions but I am unable to figure out how to layer in the date component (assuming I group by V1 , V2 and average V3 ). Apologies for not providing sample code.

The OP has requested to append a new column which is the rolling average of V3 over the past 3 weeks grouped by V1 and V2 for a data.table of 50 M rows.

If the DATE values are without gap , ie, without missing weeks in all groups, one possible approach is to use the rollmeanr() function from the zoo package:

DT[order(DATE), V4 := zoo::rollmeanr(V3, 3L, fill = NA), by = .(V1, V2)]
DT[order(V1, V2, DATE)]
  DATE V1 V2 V3 V4 1: 2017-12-04 1 A 1 NA 2: 2017-12-11 1 A 2 NA 3: 2017-12-18 1 A 3 2 4: 2017-12-25 1 A 4 3 5: 2017-12-04 1 B 5 NA 6: 2017-12-11 1 B 6 NA 7: 2017-12-18 1 B 7 6 8: 2017-12-25 1 B 8 7 9: 2017-12-04 2 A 9 NA 10: 2017-12-11 2 A 10 NA 11: 2017-12-18 2 A 11 10 12: 2017-12-25 2 A 12 11 13: 2017-12-04 2 B 13 NA 14: 2017-12-11 2 B 14 NA 15: 2017-12-18 2 B 15 14 16: 2017-12-25 2 B 16 15 

Note that the NA s are purposefully introduced because we do not have DATE -7 and DATE -14 values for the first two rows within each group.

Also note that this approach does not require type conversion of the character dates.


According to OP's description, the data.table has 4 columns: DATE are weekly character dates in standard unambiguous format %Y-%m-%d , V1 is of type integer, V2 is of type character, and V3 is of type double (numeric). V1 and V2 are used for grouping.

# create data
n_week = 4L
n_V1 = 2L
# cross join
DT <- CJ(
  DATE = as.character(rev(seq(as.Date("2017-12-25"), length.out = n_week, by = "-1 week"))),
  V1 = seq_len(n_V1),
  V2 = LETTERS[1:2]
DT[order(V1, V2, DATE), V3 := as.numeric(seq_len(.N))][]
  DATE V1 V2 V3 1: 2017-12-04 1 A 1 2: 2017-12-04 1 B 5 3: 2017-12-04 2 A 9 4: 2017-12-04 2 B 13 5: 2017-12-11 1 A 2 6: 2017-12-11 1 B 6 7: 2017-12-11 2 A 10 8: 2017-12-11 2 B 14 9: 2017-12-18 1 A 3 10: 2017-12-18 1 B 7 11: 2017-12-18 2 A 11 12: 2017-12-18 2 B 15 13: 2017-12-25 1 A 4 14: 2017-12-25 1 B 8 15: 2017-12-25 2 A 12 16: 2017-12-25 2 B 16 

So I tried to solve your problem using two inner_joins from the dplyr package:

First I created an example data.frame (1.000.000 rows):

V3 <- seq(from=1, to=1000000, by =1 )
DATE <- seq(from=1, to= 7000000, by =7)
dt <- data.frame(V3, DATE)

Does it look correct? I dropped all unnecessary content and ignored the Date format (you can subtract Dates the same way as integers)

Next, I did two innerjoins on the DATE column but the second data.frame was containing the DATE +7 and DATE +14 so you join on the correct Dates. Finally, i select the 3 interesting columns and computed the rowMean. I took like 5 seconds on my lousy MacBook.

    inner_join(x= dt, y=mutate(dt, DATE=DATE+7), by= 'DATE'),
    y = mutate(dt, DATE= DATE+14), by= 'DATE')  %>% 
    select(V3 , V3.y, V3.x) %>% 

and if you want to add it to your dt remember that for the first 2 dates there is no average because no DATE-14 and DATE-7 exists.

dt$V4 <-   c(NA, NA, inner_join(
        inner_join(x= dt, y=mutate(dt, DATE=DATE+7), by= 'DATE'),
        y = mutate(dt, DATE= DATE+14), by= 'DATE')  %>% 
        select(V3 , V3.y, V3.x) %>% 

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