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How do we use “lookup” in Nodejs to include partials?

We use this syntax to include partial during run time:

{{> (lookup . 'file') }}

file is a var name from the parent file.

I tried to add a prefix to the file name, So I tried:

  • {{> lookup . 'path/file'}}
  • {{> (lookup . (strmerge 'path/' 'file')) }} Note: I made a helper method to merge strings

I tried those and others but nothing worked for me.

Does any one know how to do this?


In the code {{> (lookup . 'file') }} we are telling Handlebars that the name of our partial is to be found at the file property of the current context object.

Assuming a context object like { file: 'myPartial' } , the result of the lookup is {{> myPartial }} , which tells Handlebars to render a partial called "myPartial".

If we want to add a prefix to our partial, so that Handlebars will register a partial called "path/myPartial", the simplest way to do this would be to add that path to the value of the file property in the context object. The context object would become: { file: 'path/myPartial' } .

If, for some reason, the "path/" prefix must be added to the template and not the data , then we will need to determine a way to produce the String "path/myPartial" from our current data.

Both of your attempts put "file" in the name of the property to be looked-up. Your code will try to find the property path/file on the context object and this will fail. We will definitely need a helper to concatenate Strings, but it must concatenate "path/" with the value of file , not the literal String, "file".

To achieve our goal we will no longer require the lookup helper. The lookup was needed only because you can't write {{> (file) }} in Handlebars, because Handlebars will treat file as a helper instead of as a variable. However, since we are using a concatenation helper, strmerge , we can use the String it returns as our partial name, without any need for a lookup . The correct code becomes:

{{> (strmerge 'path/' file) }}

It's important to note that file in this example is not in quotes. It is a variable, not a String.

I have created a fiddle for your reference.

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