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Access outer function param without passing in inner function

I have a function which does an async call & calls an anonymous function on success.The data param of anonymous function is used to collect the response from the server but it is not available inside the inner function unless passed as a param.

callService('POST', getDataInfo, detailData, function (data) {
            formDisplayGrid('.accruedGrid', '.accruedTable', 'Total Accrued');//doesn't work.
            formDisplayGrid(data,'.accruedGrid', '.accruedTable', 'Total Accrued'); //works

callService is just a function which uses jQuery ajax to place a call.

function callService(method, url, data, success) {
        var ajaxObject = {
            url: url,
            method: method,
            dataType: 'json',
            success: success
        if (method == 'POST') {
            ajaxObject['data'] = data;

formDisplayGrid function just iterates over dataset to form HTML table.

function formDisplayGrid(data, modalSelector, mainGridSelector, totalLabel) {    
    if (typeof data != 'undefined' && data.Code === 200) {
        var mainGrid = jQuery(mainGridSelector);
        var tbody = '';

        jQuery.each(data['Data']['category'], function (k, v) {
            //some code here.
            jQuery.each(v['subcat'], function (k, v) {
                //some code here.
                //some code here.

Is that this is happening because the anonymous function is being executed in the jQuery.ajax function and it should have been available if the anonymous function was directly executed inside the callService function?


Your formDisplayGrid function won't be able to access any variables from where it was called unless those variables are global or they are in a closure.

EDIT: your function has to get its data argument from somewhere - otherwise how is it going to know what data is?. There is a good reason that only the second one works.

EDIT2: here is a solution with a closure:

callService('POST', getDataInfo, detailData, function (data) {
    function formDisplayGrid(modalSelector, mainGridSelector, totalLabel) {
        // you no longer need the data variable    
        if (typeof data != 'undefined' && data.Code === 200) {
            var mainGrid = jQuery(mainGridSelector);
            var tbody = '';

            jQuery.each(data['Data']['category'], function (k, v) {
            //some code here.
                jQuery.each(v['subcat'], function (k, v) {
                //some code here.
                //some code here.
    formDisplayGrid('.accruedGrid', '.accruedTable', 'Total Accrued');//should work.

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