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Appcelerator Studio Android SDK Install Failed 2017

I was installing Android SDK on

Windows 7 from Appcelerator Studio -> Window -> Preferences -> Studio -> Platforms -> Android -> Install SDKs... (button).

After hours of download of SDK and system images of Android, this error popped up

Error encountered during update

java.net.SocketTimeoutException: Read timed out
java.net.SocketTimeoutException: Read timed out
Read timed out

java.io.IOException: Stream Closed
java.io.IOException: Stream Closed
Stream Closed
Could not write file: C:\Windows\system32\tools\android.bat.
tools\android.bat (Access is denied)
Could not write file: C:\Windows\system32\platform-tools\adb.exe.
platform-tools\adb.exe (Access is denied)
Could not write file: C:\Windows\system32\build-tools\27.0.3\aapt.exe.
build-tools\27.0.3\aapt.exe (Access is denied)

And now my hard disk is eaten up by these download over 15 GB and no clue where all downloads have gone. I wanted to delete all images and other sdk tools and stuff downloaded by Appcelerator Studio.

I am running Windows 7

Please help.

未安装Android SDK

first check if the question is asked already using Google or the search function of SO. You can probably solve this matter using this post

Also make sure that Appcelerator has Administrator rights to be able to write files on your hard drive (looking at the errors I think this is the main issue).

The Android SDK is normally installed in this folder: C:\\android-sdk-win (or something similar) The Android NDK is normally installed in this folder: C:\\android-ndk-win (or something similar) And yes, Android will take several GBs of your hard drive.

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