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Changing url depending on data attribute with jQuery

I have many images on a webpage with class name .champions-category Each of them has a data attribute called data-window coming dynamically from database. What I want to do is to check every element with class .champions-category and depending on the content of data-window 's content to change image's src .

<img src="" class="champions-category" data-window="teamwork">
<img src="" class="champions-category" data-window="focus">
<img src="" class="champions-category" data-window="results">

Suppose it's some kind of each and then if else statement but don't know where to start from.

To start with you can try attribute selector

$("img.champions-category[data-window='teamwork']").attr("src", "/path")

You can replace teamwork with whatever later. You can play around with the business logic on how to decide the url.

You can do it using using jQuery Each and then using a switch statement to change the image based on the data attribute .

Here's a working example:

 $('.champions-category').each(function(){ var getDataAttribute = $(this).attr('data-window'); switch (getDataAttribute) { case 'teamwork': $(this).attr('src','http://via.placeholder.com/20x200') break; case 'focus': $(this).attr('src','http://via.placeholder.com/40x200') break; case 'results': $(this).attr('src','http://via.placeholder.com/60x200') } }); 
 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <img src="" class="champions-category" data-window="teamwork"> <img src="" class="champions-category" data-window="focus"> <img src="" class="champions-category" data-window="results"> 

using jQuery .each:

$('img.champions-category').each(function() {
   var self = $(this),
      type = self.data('window');

   if (type === 'teamwork') self.attr('src', 'teamwork-src-value-here.png');


The following will replace the src with the contents of the data-attribute:

$('.champions-category').each(function () {
  var $this = $(this);
  var windowData = $this.data('window');
  // Do data validation and manipulation here if needed.
  $this.attr('src', windowData);
       var self = $(this);

A lot has been said already, but let me add my 2 cents to this question.

 img_urls = { "teamwork": "https://cdn4.iconfinder.com/data/icons/business-management-set-4-1/256/5-128.png", "focus": "https://heyfocus.com/assets/img/icon/FocusActiveAppIcon128px.png", "results": "https://www.shareicon.net/data/128x128/2016/09/05/825358_file_512x512.png", "question": "https://image.flaticon.com/icons/png/128/25/25400.png" } $("img.champions-category").each(function() { $(this).attr("src", img_urls[$(this).data("window")]); }); 
 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <img src="" class="champions-category" data-window="teamwork"> <img src="" class="champions-category" data-window="focus"> <img src="" class="champions-category" data-window="results"> 

We can use data-window attribute data to assign the image sources as coded above. img_urls json can contain the image sources for all the possible data-window values.

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