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php_oci8.dll not registered on xampp

I am so confused about this php_oci8.dll library.

I already set PATH varible. I am sure that php_oci8.dll already exist in the xampp/php/ext folder. I am sure that i already uncomment extension=php_oci8.dll.

The problem is: 1. When i access the phpinfo() i dont see any oci8 loaded BUT, when i run with cmd command php --ri oci8 , it say enabled


  1. I cant use any php function to connect to oracle database such oci_connect()


Got it already. Turns out that i need to uncomment 2 php.ini files.

  1. C:/xampp/php/php.ini
  2. C:/xampp/apache/bin/php.ini

Uncomment the "extension=php_oci8.dll" on the both files.

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