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How to fix while screen after splash screen in cordova ios?

While developing cordova app, I notice white screen after the splash screen and before html page.

Is there any solution to get rid off white screen?

I am facing this issue in iPhone app, I have used cordova helloWorld app so this issue is not related to plugins.

Cordova v7.0.1

You are probably facing the same issue I was facing a while ago. Start off by not auto hiding the splash screen. Instead hide it on "deviceready".

To stop autohiding splash screen add the following line to config.xml

<preference name="AutoHideSplashScreen" value="false" />

To manually hide splash screen add the following inside the deviceready event in your entry point( probably index.html or the js file you are using in it for app namespace )


For more information, head to cordova-plugin-splashscreen documentation .

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