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Swift 3: How to add or remove parameters in Request Body in ALamofire 4?

I am using Alamofire library for REST API calls. I have a Request Body of type
Dictionary(String, Any) . There are few objects in the Request Body that are common for some APIs.

For eg: 1st API call contains following parameters in the request body.

var hotel = HotelParameter()
var food = foodParameter()
var address = addressParameter()

class RequestParameters: NSObject{

func parameter() -> NSDictionary {

   var parameter : [String : Any] = [:]
   parameter["hotels"] = hotel.params()
   parameter["foodType"] = food.params()
   parameter["address"] = address.params()

   return parameter as! NSDictionary

Now in 2nd API call I have to pass only " hotels " and " address " in the RequestParameter. My problem is: How to add or remove any extra parameter in the Alamofire Request Body?

Since I cannot add Request Body for 'n' number of Requests, there has to be a single RequestParameter which will get modified according to the api calls. There can be extra or single Parameter(s) in the Body. Mostly " hotels " will be a common parameter for all Request Body.

I have tried a lot to solve this, But I get exception because it cannot parse some JSON response. I have created functions to hit the api calls and I am passing the parameters like this.

var requestParam = RequestParamters()

                      method: .post,
                      parameters: requestParam.parameter(),
                      encoding: JSONEncoding.default, headers: headers)
        .responseJSON(completionHandler: { (data : DataResponse<Any>) in

I am not sure, I got your requirement right. But as per my understanding, you have to hit one API multiple times, and the parameter shall be different every time. So just write a method which'll take parameter as a method argument. Here is the sample code as per your requirement.

func getAllHotels(_ params:Dictionary, callback:@escaping (Dictionary<String, Any>, Error?)->Void)
     let parameters: Parameters = params

    Alamofire.request(baseUrl + "/getHotels", method: .post,parameters: parameters, encoding: URLEncoding.default).responseJSON    { response in
        debugPrint("All Response from API: \(response)")
        switch response.result
        case .success(let value):
            callback(value as! Dictionary, nil)
        case .failure(let error):
            callback([:], error)

/** Now call the above method with your required parameters **/

I found out Two ways to do it.

  1. Create an addExtraParams :[String : Any] = : type of Dictionary and add the key : value pair you need in this.

  2. Create Requests functions for respective apis and just update the value of the required parameters using the object you get after logging.

For eg:

var user = response.object as! Person
var request = RequestParameters()
request.hotel.name = user.hotel_name

Update the values before the Alamofire request in the function that you have created.

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