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Discord.JS RichEmbed Building

fellow Developers! I've been having a ton of issue over the past couple hours with Discord.JS's embedding technique. I keep getting:

TypeError: Cannot read property 'client' of undefined at new MessageEmbed (folder\\node_modules\\discord.js\\src\\structures\\MessageEmbed.js:13:60) at embed (folder\\rlxob.js:17:13) at Client.client.on.message(folder\\rlxob.js:193:15)

And from what I understand, the rest beyond that doesn't matter, but here's a Gyazo image if you want to see the entire output. MessageEmbed.js line 13 says Object.defineProperty(this, 'client', { value: message.client }); which is leaving me a bit confused. It seems to expect the message variable to already be defined in class MessageEmbed {constructor (message, data) { but my code matches up with every single tutorial on message embedding that I have checked, double-checked, and gonna find out who's naughty or nice. And this piece of... well, I have no nice words to say, so I won't say any of them. To leave you with a few bits of information that might help, node is running on version 8.9.4 and Discord.JS is running on version 11.2.1 . This is really getting on my nerves, there isn't a clear answer that I can figure out. Thanks for the help, guys! If you need any new information, I'll be checking back here. If I don't reply, probably means I figured it out, however unlikely that may be.

I understand you have double checked but just to make sure this is my embed that works fine:

case "info":
  var embed = new Discord.RichEmbed()
    .addField("General-Commands", "::games, ::people")
    .addField("Other-Commands", "::example, ::gamble")
      "::play <playlisturl>/search, ::skip, ::pause/resume, ::stop, ::queue"

You probably didn't define Client , so this is what you'll have to add:

const client = new Discord.Client({disableEveryone: true})

Note: {disableEveryone} is optional.

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