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How can I pass ulimit parameters to a Docker with Terraform?

I'm trying to setup elasticsearch cluster in Docker with Terraform. Docker compose file containing some ulimit definitions on containers:

    soft: -1
    hard: -1

But I didn't found any documentation how to do it with Terraform.

The terraform docker provider does not currently support ulimits. I have created a PR to add support here .

In the meantime, you can install install the branch, by cloning my fork, running go build && cp terraform-provider-docker $HOME/.terraform.d/plugins/

You can then pass a ulimit block to your container like so

provider "docker" {}

resource "docker_image" "elasticsearch" {
  name = "elasticsearch:latest"

resource "docker_container" "elasticsearch" {
  image = "${docker_image.elasticsearch.latest}"
  name  = "elasticsearch"

  ports {
    internal = 9200
    external = 9200

  ulimit {
    name = "memlock"
    soft = 100
    hard = 200

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