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ERROR in Cannot find module 'node-sass'

Config: macOS High Sierra, version 10.13.2, node:v8.1.2 npm:5.0.3 When I run npm start in my angularjs project I get this error:

ERROR in Cannot find module 'node-sass'

Here's the solution:

sudo npm install --save-dev  --unsafe-perm node-sass


  1. 这个错误是因为 node-sass 不存在......要解决这个问题,你只想运行以下命令

npm install node-sass

According to node-sass github page, supported node.js version vary release by release.



Example: Check the version of node you are running.

node -v
-> v12.0.0

you need node-sass v4.12+. so you can

npm install node-sass@4.12.0

or if 4.12.0 is the latest

npm install node-sass@latest

( npm install node-sass will install the latest version in many cases, but remember that it does not always install the latest(in this example 4.12.0) if dependency in package.json is written like ^3.0.0, ~4.11.0) What's the difference between tilde(~) and caret(^) in package.json?

Lastly, using sudo with npm is not a good practice. Please refer to this article. https://medium.com/@ExplosionPills/dont-use-sudo-with-npm-still-66e609f5f92

Doing npm uninstall node-sass and then npm i node-sass did not work for me.

Solution worked for me is npm install --save-dev node-sass .

Happy Coding..


npm rebuild node-sass --force              

and it'll work fine.


sudo npm rebuild node-sass --force

node-sass is not being installed and it can be one of many reasons

You have not installed it

npm install node-sass --save-dev

You are having a permissions error

sudo npm install --save-dev  --unsafe-perm node-sass

You had a memory issue because it tried to make it (build from c code in your platform),this applies to some platforms and node versions

node --max_old_space_size=8000 $(which npm) install node-sass --save-dev

Your node and npm versions are not compatible,which most probably generated a failure in the build process,

In this case use n or nvm to make sure you have the same version in the new and original environment, the one where it did work, as this is usually by using different versions in different environments

This is what worked for me. I first uninstall node-sass. Then install it back.

npm uninstall node-sass
npm install --save-dev node-sass

它对我来说失败了,因为我使用的是最新版本的 node (12.7.0) 然后我必须明确安装最新版本的node-sass

npm install node-sass@4.12.0

One of the cases is the post-install process fails. Right after node-sass is installed, the post-install script will be executed. It requires Python and a C++ builder for that process. The log 'gyp: No Xcode or CLT version detected!' maybe because it couldn't find any C++ builder. So try installing Python and any C++ builder then put their directories in environment variables so that npm can find them. (I come from Windows)

In my case I had to also had to perform:

npm install sass-loader

To fix the problem

如果您的节点版本为 12,请尝试sudo npm install node-sass@4.12.0

我已经解决了这个问题,而没有通过这个命令安装 node-sass:

npm install node-sass@4.12.0 --no-save --unsafe-perm

There is an issue with downloading npm dependencies due to network which you have. try to download the npm dependencies in open network . you won't get any issue. i am also faced this similar issue and resolved finally.

use below commands: npm install (it will download all depedencies) npm start to start the angular application

I checked the Node version in my local machine, which is v10.11.0 .

Then when I checked my development machine, where the error occurred, it had Node version V.10.8.0 .

Upgrading Node to v10.11.0 in my development machine fixed the issue.

Hope this helps.

npm install node-sass will do the job in most of the cases, as it will add missing sass npm dependency module doesn't exist or it will overwrite previous crashed version.

For Mac Users use sudo in front of above commands.

On Windows machines npm rebuild node-sass --force may not work for some users because it's essentially saying, "please force npm to rebuild the sass node module for me". It will not work because that module doesn't exist.

Whenever you did npm install to the initial installation, the sass module did not get installed, which is why this problem occurs.

My problem was that a webfilter didn't allow me to download the node-sass package , when I executed the command

npm i

After the installation of the Windows Build Tools

npm i -g windows-build-tools

it build node-sass on it's own and now I can use it.

PS: I also installed Python 2.7.17 before, but I don't think that helped.

If you run

npm install node-sass

and it still doesn't work remember to change permission to folder

I have also been facing this error. None of the above methods work for me. Please follow this as it worked for me.

For Installing node-sass in Ubuntu 16 via npm :-

You can install with npm 5.2.0 Version

If you are using nvm :-

nvm install 8.2.1
nvm use 8.2.1
npm install node-sass

If you are using npm separately then upgrade or downgrade npm version to 5.2.0

npm install node-sass

I ran into this error while I was using Microsoft Visual Studio Code's integrated git terminal. For some weird reason VS code was not allowing me to install 'node-sass'. Then I used 'Git Bash' (which was installed with git) and ran the following command: npm install node-sass It worked for me. I don't know why & how it worked. If anyone has any explanation please let me know.

You should try to check the log generated by npm install .

I have faced the same issues, and I found the error that python2 is not found in the path (environment variable).

After installing Python, everything worked fine.

I had a similar issue when I tried to run a project. First i uninstalled the current version

npm uninstall node-sass

Then i reinstalled to the latest version with

npm install node-sass

升级到最新版本的 nodeJS 解决了我的问题

npm install --save-dev --unsafe-perm node-sass

This will do magic, you can use it with sudo

你必须在 package.json 的 dev 部分安装 node-sass

npm install --unsafe-perm node-sass --save-dev  


I had the same error when installing dependencies in Angular . I've tried aforementioned techniques but none of them worked until I've deleted package-lock.json which was previously created when running Node v11 .

Now I'm using Node v12 so this is how I got resolved.

I repeat if you have package-lock.json delete it, file and then install dependencies.

I met same issue installing node-sass when I am on Node 12.9.0

Once switching to Node 10.19.0, the issue is gone.

Reference: https://github.com/sass/node-sass/issues/2632

There seems to be an issue with the version "node-sass": "4.5.3" , try updating to the latest version. Such as you could try adding ^ "node-sass": "^4.5.3" for the latest version

Use this version for node version v 14

"node-sass": "^5.0.0"

I had to uninstall then reinstall Xcode. That fixed the error for me.

Exactly same issue i was also facing and i tried all above answers but could not resolve, Below is the command which fixed my problem.

npm install sass-loader sass webpack --save-dev



npm install node-sass


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