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Can't clear blank spacing in pasted text in Angular4

  noSpace(event: any, docId: string) { // Muss richtig gemacht !
    let str = String.fromCharCode(event.charCode);
    let clipBoardStr = event.clipboardData.getData('text/plain');
    let s = clipBoardStr.replace(/ /g , '');
    setTimeout( function() {
       (<HTMLInputElement> document.getElementById(docId)).value = s;
     }, 100);

I want to have the text without any white spaces.

This works perfectly on Firefox and Chrome, but not in Internet Explorer :(

could you try to change your regexp to /\\s+/g ?

let s = clipBoardStr.replace(/\s+/g , '');

the meta \\s match any whitespace character https://www.w3schools.com/jsref/jsref_regexp_whitespace.asp

 let clipBoardStr;
if (window.clipboardData && window.clipboardData.getData) {
  clipBoardStr = window.clipboardData.getData('Text');
} else {
  clipBoardStr = event.clipboardData.getData('text/plain');

And this is the way to do it!

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