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Camera landscape preview in portrait mode

I have a dialog design where camera preview should be landscape in portrait mode (see pics). I choose preview size correctly through getOptimalPreviewSize() and when I don't use setDisplayOrientation(90) I get this:


When I use setDisplayOrientation(90) I get this:


Does anybody have any ideas how to fix it? Can android do that kind of thing?

Answer (thanks to Eddy Talvala):
Due to you can't process the whole cam picture in portrait when your cam view in xml is horizontal, you should crop. I decided to fit horizontally and crop all that in the bottom:

|           |
| _________ |   _____
||         ||  |     |
||         ||  | ^-^ |
||  ______ ||  | \_/ |
|| | ^-^  |||  |  |  |    
|| |_\_/_ |||  |__|__|
||   image ||   sensor
||         ||
||         ||
||  < O [] ||

You should use TextureView to specify matrix for fit and cropping. Something like that (kotlin):

fun camInit() {
    val camParam = camera.parameters
    val optimalSize = getOptimalPortraitPreviewSize(camParam.supportedPreviewSizes, width, height)

    camParam.setPreviewSize(optimalSize.width, optimalSize.height)
    camera.parameters = camParam


    val scaleDelta = optimalSize.height - preview.width // for portrait
    val scaleY: Float = (optimalSize.width.toFloat() - scaleDelta) / preview.height // for portrait

    val matrix = Matrix()
    matrix.setScale(1f, scaleY)    // 1f cause we fit horizontally



Notice that for portrait mode you should use specific getOptimalProtraitPreviewSize(), cause standard func that everybody uses to get camera preview optimal size (with ASPECT_TOLERANCE and other things) can return you a size with a small resolution. Try something like this:

fun getOptimalPortraitPreviewSize(sizes: List<Camera.Size>, previewWidth: Int) {

    var selectedSize: Camera.Size = sizes[0]

    for (size in sizes) {
        // use size's height cause of portrait
        val currentSizeWidthDelta = abs(size.height - previewWidth)
        val selectedSizeWidthDelta = abs(selectedSize.height - previewWidth)
        if (currentSizeWidthDelta < selectedSizeWidthDelta) selectedSize = size

    return selectedSize

The long edge of the image sensor lines up with the long edge of the device.

(bad ascii art):
|           |
| _________ |   _____
||         ||  |     |
||         ||  |     |
||         ||  |     |
||         ||  |     |
||         ||  |_____|
||         ||   sensor
||         ||   physical 
||         ||   orientation
||  < O [] ||

Given that, there's no way you can draw the image like this:

|           |
| _________ |   _____
||         ||  |     |
||         ||  |     |
||  ______ ||  |     |
|| |      |||  |     |
|| |______|||  |_____|
||   image ||   sensor
||         ||
||         ||
||  < O [] ||

unless you either rotate the image (in which case up isn't up):

|           |
| _________ |   _____
||         ||  |     |
||         ||  | ^-^ |
||  ______ ||  | \_/ |
|| | <-\__|||  |  |  |    
|| |_<-/__|||  |__|__|
||   image ||   sensor
||         ||
||         ||
||  < O [] ||

or you stretch the image horizontally, which looks pretty bad:

|           |
| _________ |   _____
||         ||  |     |
||         ||  | ^-^ |
||  ______ ||  | \_/ |
|| | ^___^|||  |  |  |    
|| |___|__|||  |__|__|
||   image ||   sensor
||         ||
||         ||
||  < O [] ||

or you crop a slice of the image, which reduces the FOV a lot:

|           |
| _________ |   _____
||         ||  |     |
||         ||  | ^-^ |
||  ______ ||  | \_/ |
|| | ^-^  |||  |  |  |    
|| |_\_/__|||  |__|__|
||   image ||   sensor
||         ||
||         ||
||  < O [] ||

Because the image sensor is landscape when the phone is landscape, there's no way to place a landscape preview in a portrait UI without one of those three things happening. You either need a portrait preview in a portrait UI, or you need to crop the image down. That's not a limitation of Android, it's just a limitation of geometry.

If you want to crop, you'll probably want to send the camera data to a SurfaceTexture, and crop in OpenGL, if you want a live preview.

If you are using the Camera2 API. When get mPreviewSize by ChooseOptimalSize you can swap the width and height. (The width and height is from your view). And then

textureView.setAspectRatio(mPreviewSize.Height, mPreviewSize.Width);

When create preview session

texture.SetDefaultBufferSize(mPreviewSize.Width, mPreviewSize.Height);

Then you will preview the normal image

Thanks @Eddy Talvala and @blinker! I bring my function to correctly update the sizes in any orientation:

  public void invalidateSize(TextureView textureView) {
        Point cameraResolution = getCameraResolution();
        int previewRotation = getPreviewRotation();

        // Camera and preview on screen in the opposite orientation
        if (previewRotation == 90 || previewRotation == 270) {
            //noinspection SuspiciousNameCombination
            cameraResolution = new Point(cameraResolution.y, cameraResolution.x);

        float cameraAspectRatio = cameraResolution.x / (float) cameraResolution.y;
        float textureAspectRatio = textureView.getWidth() / (float) textureView.getHeight();

        float scaleX = cameraAspectRatio / textureAspectRatio;
        float scaleY = textureAspectRatio / cameraAspectRatio;

        if (scaleX > scaleY) {
            scaleY = 1;
        } else {
            scaleX = 1;

        Matrix matrix = new Matrix();
        matrix.setScale(scaleX, scaleY,
                textureView.getWidth() / 2f, textureView.getHeight() / 2f);


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