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How to get unit test Code Coverage using terminal + Xcode 9.1

I have create simple demo project for getting code coverage whine I run in Xcode I am getting this coverage. look in to image


But when I run from command using terminal I can't show code coverage

xcodebuild -scheme Mock -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone X,OS=11.1' -enableCodeCoverage YES -derivedDataPath . clean build test

After create report I am using this

xcrun llvm-cov report -instr-profile=/Users/nikhil.makwana/Downloads/Mock/Build/ProfileData/70053ED1-6A92-49BB-B445-A16CF615C615/Coverage.profdata  /Users/nikhil.makwana/Downloads/Mock/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/Mock.app   >  jikstest.report

where is the problem here?

This questioned was asked a long time ago. But I ran into this issue and found that you need to point to the actual file Mock inside the folder Mock.app . Here is the answer:

xcrun llvm-cov report -instr-profile=/Users/nikhil.makwana/Downloads/Mock/Build/ProfileData/70053ED1-6A92-49BB-B445-A16CF615C615/Coverage.profdata  /Users/nikhil.makwana/Downloads/Mock/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/Mock.app/Mock   >  jikstest.report

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