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FS2 Running streams in sequence

I have a fairly simple use case. I have two web service calls one fetches products and another fetches relationship. I want to run fetchProducts() first extract a field from the set of products and then pass the output to fetchRelationships(ids: Seq[String]) so that I can then set the relationship back on the product. Here's the code:

def fetchProducts(): Stream[IO, Seq[Product]]= {
 //webservice call

def fetchRelationship(ids: Seq[Product]): Stream[IO, Seq[Relationship]] = {
 //webservice call

//Pseudocode. How can I do this with fs2 Streams?
def process = {
      val prods = fetchProducts() //run this first
      val prodIds = prods.flatMap(i => i.productId)
      val rels = fetchRelationships(prodIds) //run after all all products are fetched 
      prods.forEach(p => p.setRelation(rels.get(p.id))

 case class Product(productId: Option[String],
                        name: Option[String],
                        description: Option[String],
                        brandName: Option[String])

I am constrained by the external Api to get the results in batches. So I'm not sure how to express this using fs2 or if I should be using it at all.

Unfortunately you code in the question doesn't match your text description and misses quite a few important bits (such as whole Relationship class). Also it is not clear what

I am constrained by the external Api to get the results in batches

really means. Also it is not clear why all fields in Product including productId are Option .

The following code compiles and might or might not be what you need:

case class Product(productId: Option[String],
                   name: Option[String],
                   description: Option[String],
                   brandName: Option[String],
                   relationships: mutable.ListBuffer[Relationship]) {


case class Relationship(productId: String, someInfo: String)

def fetchProducts(): Stream[IO, Seq[Product]] = {
  //webservice call

//    def fetchRelationships(ids: Seq[Product]): Stream[IO, Seq[Relationship]] = {
def fetchRelationships(ids: Seq[String]): Stream[IO, Seq[Relationship]] = {
  //webservice call

def process():  = {
  val prods = fetchProducts() //run this first
  val prodsAndRels: Stream[IO, (Seq[Product], Seq[Relationship])] = prods.flatMap(ps => fetchRelationships(ps.map(p => p.productId.get)).map(rs => (ps, rs)))

  val prodsWithFilledRels: Stream[IO, immutable.Seq[Product]] = prodsAndRels.map({ case (ps, rs) => {
    val productsMap = ps.map(p => (p.productId.get, p)).toMap
    rs.foreach(rel => productsMap(rel.productId).relationships += rel)

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