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Laravel queue:listen queue:work not working

I am trying to send an email in background to reduce server response time.

I have created jobs table and failed_jobs table with using php artisan queue:table and php artisan queue:failed-table commands. and also set QUEUE_DRIVER=database in .env file.

When I execute following code it creates a job in jobs table.

\Mail::later(5, 'email.new-friend-request', ['data'=>$friend_request], function($message) use (&$friend_request){
                    $message->to($friend_request->notifiable->email, $friend_request->notifiable->name)->from('info@example.com','ABC')->subject('New Friend Request');

But when I execute php artisan queue:listen or php artisan queue:work command. It neither processes the jobs saved in jobs table nor it gives any output on console.

However when I check jobs table, the attempts field of job keep incrementing. But job is not getting processed.

Also when I send mail directly using following code ie without adding it to queue. The mail got sent without any problem.

\Mail::send('email.new-friend-request', ['data'=>$friend_request], function($message) use (&$friend_request){
                        $message->to($friend_request->notifiable->email, $friend_request->notifiable->name)->from('info@example.com','ABC')->subject('New Friend Request');


I tried sending email without any data and it also works without any issue. ie

\Mail::later(5, 'email.new-friend-request', [], function($message) use (&$friend_request){
                        $message->to($friend_request->notifiable->email, $friend_request->notifiable->name)->from('info@example.com','ABC')->subject('New Friend Request');

I got it, the problem was with Eloquent relations. When emails are qued then Eloquent model objects need to be serialized. Therefore once a model object is serialized then one can not access relations.

So I just tried eager loading model relations and also converted my model objects into an array using toArray() method and then jobs started being processed.

That is before calling

\Mail::later(5, 'email.new-friend-request', ['data'=>$friend_request], function($message) use (&$friend_request){
                    $message->to($friend_request->notifiable->email, $friend_request->notifiable->name)->from('info@example.com','ABC')->subject('New Friend Request');

I eager loaded all the relations on $friend_request object.

For Example:-

$friend_request = FriendRequest::with('notifiable')->find($request_id);

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