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NodeJS on AWS EC2: Cannot load public/images folder

I'm developing a NodeJS app and it looks good on my localhost so I decided to deploy it on AWS EC2.

I followed AWS instruction to deploy my NodeJS app on AWS EC2. When I started the server on EC2 by running node server.js, I found out that although javascript and css resources under public folder were loaded, all images from public/images were not loaded and the images folder was missing under Chrome developer tool > Sources. When running the app locally, all the images from public/images were loaded correctly. There is also a 500 Internal server error on the Chrome console.

Here is an example of my html for one of the images:

<img src="public/images/my_logo.png"></img>


I solved the problem. It turns out this is an AWS permission issue. Somehow all images uploaded to EC2 have


permission. So I changed the permission to solve the 500 error.

chmod 744 my_logo.png

It's worth noting that only images uploaded to AWS have the above mod. Other files have the following mod which need not be changed


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